Monday, January 5, 2009

Library 2.0 -- Thing 15

this subject has been introduced in several other classes and seminars. Nontheless, There is a definite trend going on here. Beyond the brick and mortar structures, libraries reach out to all things eveywhere. Amazing! When I give a child their new library card, I often remind them that it's not just a library card, it's the key to the universe. It truly is! However, I don't see the majority of our library patrons using the databases; they do social networking and e-mailing and things of a lighter nature. I would imagine that the information wealth is examined more thoroughly in academic and other special libraries. The articles linked on the OCLC site remind us time and again that we need to anticipate and provide patrons access to information in a proactive way. Rather than be behind, we need to be moving forward. When the patrons ask for a particular tech server we can say, "Yes! It's all included!" The other aspect of all this shifting and sliding is the proper planning and budgeting for library collections. I can see a shift from actual books to digital and web based materials such as databases, downloadables and many things of that sort. The interactions between web aspects are getting so smooth and user friendly. Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday and all is well.

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